Saturday, May 10, 2008


Ayurvedic Herbs - Ancient healing from India
Ayurveda is a holistic system that has emerged directly from the
ancient lands of India. According to Hindu Vedas, Ayurveda is a gift of
Gods and was codified by the sage physician Charaka and sage-surgeon
Shushruta 5000 years ago. This ancient Science is based on physical
condition and delves into the patient's entire personality - body, mind
and spirit. Ayurveda is made up of two Sanskrit words: Ayu which means
life and Veda which means knowledge. To know about life is Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that uses a constitutional
There are several aspects to Ayurveda that are quite unique: Recommendations concerning the food and life style for different people
are different according to their needs.The treatments given in Ayurveda is validated by observation, inquiry,
direct examination and information derived from the ancient texts. It believes that there are energetic forces that influence nature and
human beings. In Ayurvedic term, these forces are called Tridoshas. Ayurveda sees a tough connection between the mind and the body.As per Ayurveda, every human being has a typical constitution that
decides the state of his or her health and his or her predisposition to
a particular disease. Ayurvedic herbs rectifies them. Base Of Ayurveda The treatment in Ayurveda is dependent on Thriguna (vatha, pitha,
kapha). These classifications are predominantly important in
understanding human psychology. VathamVatham is composed of Space and Air and is the subtle energy associated
with movement. It governs breathing, blinking, muscle and tissue
movement, pulsation of the heart, and all movements in the cytoplasm
and cell membranes. In balance, Vatham promotes creativity and
flexibility. Out of balance, Vatham produces fear and anxiety. A person
with Vatham is blessed with a quick mind, flexibility and creativity.
Vatham provides the essential motion for all bodily processes and is
extremely vital for health. Since the attributes of Vatham are dry,
light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile, clear and dispersing, any of these
qualities in excess can cause imbalance.PitthamIt is the energy of digestion or metabolism, formed by Fire. It
controls the metabolic activity of the body, digestion, warmth, luster,
intellect, assimilation, etc. Pitham predominates in the tissue blood.
It is formed by Earth and Water. It controls the stability of the body
such as strength, potency, smooth working of joints. Pitham
predominates the second one third of life. Its location is in
alimentary canal from cardiac end of stomach to end of small intestineKapamIt is formed by Earth and Water. It controls the stability of the body
such as strength, potency, smooth working of joints. Kapam predominates
in other tissues and become s active in the last one third of life. It
can diminish activity of various organs and limbs. It is located in
chest, throat, head, bone & joints. It acts as thermostat of body. Herbs Used In Ayurvedic Treatment Ayurvedic herbs are natural that really gives effective results and are
really safe:Amalaki It is known as a divine plant in the Ayurvedic materia medica. Amalaki
is also a rasayana, which means it has longevity- enhancing and disease
defying qualities. Amalaki fruit contains sweet, sour, bitter,
astringent and pungent tastes except salt. Amalaki helps purify toxins
from the body by enhancing food absorption. The unique thing about
Amalaki is that it increases digestion.. By enhancing digestion, it
helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Amalaki also helps to relieve
constipation. Amalaki is an excellent source of Vitamin C, and is the
most concentrated and absorbable source of the vitamin in the plant
kingdom. It also contains other absorbable minerals that nourish the
skin, blood and the whole body, because of its high content of Vitamin
C. Amalaki is a powerful antioxidant.ArjunaIt is in a form of the bark of tree. It is a cardiac stimulant and has
a cooling and tonic effect. It is useful in arresting secretion or
bleeding and helps to relieve fever. It is also useful in removing
calculi or stones formed in the urinary system, in promoting flow of
bile and in the healing of wounds. Asthma, acne, diarrhea or dysentery,
earache can be cured with this herb. AshwagandhaIt is also called Indian Ginseng. The biggest benefit of Ashwagandha is
it can cure various diseases like leprosy, nervous, disorders and
intestinal infections. Of late it has gained importance because of its
quality to increase resistance to stress and build greater physical
endurance.Natural Ayurvedic Herbs There are several natural Ayurvedic herbs that can be grown even in our
gardens and have great medicinal properties. AmlaIt is a richest source of vitamin C. Amla is useful in throat and
respiratory tract infections and protects cells from free radical
damage.BabchiIts seeds are useful in bilious affection & to make perfumed oil. The
powder is used in treatment of skin disease such as leucoderma &
leprosy. It is used in treating psoriasis. It is also used in the
manufacture of agarbathis because of its aromatic smell.BahebtaIt is used to cure coughs, sore throat and dyspepsia. It is one of the
constituent of triphala, which is present in hair care, diseases of
liver and gastro-intestinal tract. It is also a mild laxative and
demulcen.BrahmiIt is well known herb that helps in improving alertness. Brahmi also
acts as an anti-anxiety agent and has a calming effect.ChopchiniIts roots are aphrodisiac, pseudorific, demulent, alteratively used in
rheumatism, syphilis, and skin diseases. The rhizome is made into a
paste and applied to painful swellings.NeemIt has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and blood purifying properties. Neem
is very useful to rtreat skin disorders and helps to maintain a
healthy, beautiful and glowing skin.PippaliIt cures us from paralytic bronchial asthma, chronic malaria.
haematinic, inflammation of liver, pains in joint, piles lumbago,
snakebite, scorpion sting, night blindness, insomnia, worms etc.Safed MusliIt has aphrodiasiac properties & vitalizer. It is used for diabetes,
arthritis, rheumetism and Joint Pains, powerful uterine stimulant. It
is used for preparation of nutritive tonic for general sexual weakness
and it is a curative for Natal & post-natal problemsSunthIt is used for Gastrointestinal disorder, Bronchial asthma,
anti-inflammatory effect and to cure antirheumatic, Antihistaminic,
antiemetic and antivertigo, nausea and dyspepsia.TulasiIt is used in the form of powder and balms. It can also be used as an
insecticide for the distruction of fleas, bedbugs, moths, lice etc. It
is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and worms in children. The
rhizome is also used to make calamus oil, which has a pleasant odour.Gotu KolaThis creeping plant grows in China, India, and Madagascar.
Practitioners of Ayurveda (india's holistic medical system) have relied
on the herb for centuries. Gotu kola is often confused with the
caffeine-containing kola nut, but Gotu kola is unrelated and contains
no caffeine. People with stress-related disorders like anxiety and
panic attacks are believed to have an overactive startling response.
Gotu kola strengthens the collagen lining of your vein walls, enhances
circulation, and reduces inflammation to treat varicose veins.
Practitioners believe Gotu Kola improves memory by boosting circulation
to the brain.If You Want To Reduce Weight If you want to reduce weight Ayurveda recommends home remedies in your
daily diet. Ginger is a best herb to reduce and maintain weight. Fruits
which can accomplish thi sinclude the following.GingerPapaya Mango Pineapple Bitter melons Dark, bitter greensBuild your body too with Ayurvedic body build building herb.Are There Side Effects In Ayurvedic TreatmentResults from Natural Ayurvedic Herbs comes to those who are patient and
persistent, and diligently adopt the associated dietary and lifestyle
and take responsibility for their own well being. For getting full
benefit of Ayurvedic treatment, it is important to tell your Ayurvedic
doctor about complementary, alternative or diet supplement you are
Some methods of Ayurvedic medicine can be very harmful like
Bloodletting, which is dangerous for anyone, and especially for people
who are ill. Many people with cancer already have low blood counts, and
this can cause fatigue, breathlessness and other symptoms. So removing
blood will only worsen their condition.
Forced vomiting is unhealthy and can upset the levels of salt and
minerals in your body. Even taking regular enemas and medicines to
clear your bowel is known to cause some serious side effects including InfectionsConstipationInflammation of the bowelSalt and other mineral imbalances in the body andDeath caused by these problemsSome common herbs may have dangerous side effects when taken in
combination with cancer treatments.Yoga, breathing relaxation
techniques and massage therapy are generally very safe unless you have
problems with your muscles and bones. It is not advisable to rely
totally on Ayurvedic medicine in case of cancer and avoid conventional
medical help. The Cost Of TreatmentsThe other important thing is that Ayurvedic medicine costs more. The
cost varies depending on what you have done. The first consultation
with a practitioner can cost between £25 and £65. Herbal treatments can
be very expensive.They may end up costing between £5 and €30 a month.
Some Ayurvedic clinics encourage overnight or longer stays to have
intensive detoxification treatments. These can be very expensive.
From the Indian soils, Natural Ayurvedic Herbs are making their impact
felt all over the world changing the lives of the millions. This
treatment is getting much popularity in America especially for minor
Wild Crafted Herbs: Wild valuables
The first question that comes to any believer in traditional herbs is
What are Wildcrafted Herbs. The Wildcraft herbs are nothing else but
Organic herbs grown and cultivated naturally in wild for medicinal
purposes. They are plucked in a manner that doesn't affect their source
or environment in which they are grown. They are grown organically
without any use of pesticides or fertilizers. How are wildcrafted herbs beneficial for us All wild herbs and foods are Wildcrafted from non-polluted areas
located in the mountains that surround us. So the Wildcrafted herbs are
purely natural. The Wildcrafted herbs are very healthy. They often
occur in clusters and grow in 'ideal' conditions under which they can
attain full medicinal potential. Wildcrafted Herbal Products use only
highest quality essential oils, carrier oils and herbal extracts. This
Wildcrafted herb are numerous and comes in varieties for different
ailments and are grown and harvested purely and naturally.
Some of the Organic herbs Online are following:AgrimonyAgrimony cures jaundice and other liver complaints. It is a very useful
agent in skin eruptions and diseases of the blood, pimples, blotches,
etc. Lder, tagA decoction or extract is useful in scrofula, secondary syphilis and
several forms of cutaneous disease. The inner bark of the root is
emetic, and a decoction of the cones is said to be astringent, and
useful in haematuria and other hemorrhages.BeechThe beech has enjoyed a long reputation in America as a source of
medicines. The Rappahannock Indians steeped beech barks in saltwater to
produce a poison ivy lotion. Beech sap was one of the ingredients used
to make syrup that was used for tuberculosis. Beech barks and leaves
have astringent and antiseptic properties.Some other organic herbs Some Organic herbs are Barley grass, sprouts and dark green leafy
veggies that have high levels of antioxidants. They contain,
bioflavonoids, which help keep veins and arteries healthy and seem to
be a constituent of antioxidant preparation. In this way Turmeric is
high in potassium. Fresh parsley is rich in vitamin C and chlorophyll.
Celery seed is high in calcium.
Some Fresh Organic herbs have help to fine-tune the immune response in
our bodies. Organic herbs profoundly affect our mind and spirit. They
support our growth and spiritual development. Organic herbs include
medication herbs and cosmetic herbs. Anxiety medication herbs can be
Valerian, which is popular and L-theanine, an amino acid derived from
Green Tea, is another herb known for anxiety. Similarly there are
numerous cosmetic herbs which companies are making use to manufacture
herbals cosmetics for beautiful skin. Healthy life with organic gardens Organic gardens works with natural systems, using composts, crop
rotations, rock dusts, seaweeds, and microbes, to improve soils,
promote healthy plant growth and increase food production. Organic
gardens help in various ways.Health of your garden.Organic gardening works with crops that promote beneficial insects, and
recycles nutrients with earthworms, composts and weeding.Health of your neighborhoodPollution of our environment with poisons is a problem in our society.
Organic gardening looks for ways to promote fertility and health using
non-toxic methods.Health of our planetOur personal health and the health of this lovely world that sustain us
are closely interwoven. Our backyard gardens can be the sanctuaries for
plants and animals whose homes are destroyed.Organic seeds for healthier cropsFor the healthy Organic herbs and healthy Organic Plants, Herbinists
have enunciated Organic seeds. It leads to healthier soils, genetically
diverse agricultural ecosystems. wildcrafted vs other herbsOther herbs can have lots of side effects. Even commonly used Kava kava
and echinacea have both been linked to liver toxicity. Wildcrafted
herbs doesn't pose any side effects. Only one negative point of
wildcrafted herbs is they are grown wild and so many plants can be
poisonous. Thus only highly educated and expert practitioner advice
should be taken before use of any Wild crafted product. Incense - a pleasant experience of healingIncense Incense is described as a material that produces pleasant aroma when
burnt or to be simple one can say diffusing of aromatic spices and
gums. When aroma is blown out from some gums and spices when burnt, it
gives a pleasing perfume.
Several parts of plants are eg. Wood, barks, logs are used as incense.
Some of notably used are: AlumAlum has no smell when smouldered (although it does have a slight
lemon-sherbet taste). However, when ground up with herbs and used in
incense it has the amazing property of bubbling around the herb, and
carrying the scent of that herb without the "bonfire" effect that you
get if you try to burn the herb by itself.Balm of gileadThe "Balm of Gilead" sold by most herbalists is not actually from a
Commiphora species but is the fragrant dried buds of various species of
Poplar tree, mainly Populus balsamifera. Abies balsamea (see Canada
Balsam) is also sometimes referred to as the "Balm of Gilead Fir"CamphorWhenever possible use the wood. The crystalline extract found in moth
balls is overwhelmingDaadThe dried root of Atractylis gummifera, the Gum Thistle, is monly used
in Arabic Magick to influence the Dark Forces. It is extremely
poisonousEuphorbiumThis is also known as Wolfs Milk. This is a poisonous milky white sap
found in the spurge family of plants. Euphorbia resinifera produces a
hardened resin.Long pepperThis is a very unusual spice. It has been frequently mentioned in
Grimoires and in mediaeval cooking, but nowadays hardly ever seen
outside of the Middle East.There are many more Incense products that are commonly being used all
over the world. Their scents only create an essence of solemn divinity
and peace.
These wildcrafted herbs can also be seen growing widely around us but
we rarely know about their importance due to the hectic life styles
.Wildcrafted herbs make use of these so essential gifts of nature.
Effective Arthritis cure! Herbal Remedies
Arthritis is named for a group of more than 100 medical conditions that
collectively affect nearly 70 million adults and 300,000 children in
America alone. Most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthitis (OA). It
affects the musculoskeletal system resulting in pain, stiffness,
inflammation and damage to joint cartilage and surrounding structures.
Such damage can lead to joint weakness, instability and visible
deformities that, depending on the location of joint involvement, can
interfere with the most basic daily tasks such as walking, climbing
stairs, using a computer keyboard, or brushing your teeth.
Other form of Arthritis is Rheumatoid arthritis. It is an inflammatory
disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function in
the joints especially in the mornings. Joints affected by rheumatoid
arthritis include hands, knees, wrists, and feet. Other common symptoms
are swelling, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, and mild fever.Supplements That May Be Helpful For Rheumatoid ArthritisNnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including indomethacin,
nabumetone, naproxen sodium, and oxaprozin are commonly used to treat
rheumatoid arthritis. However, there are also a number of natural and
safe supplements that have been used in connection with rheumatoid
arthritis. These include:Borage Oil - It may partially relieve symptoms. Fish Oil(Epa/Dha) - It may partially relieve symptoms of rheumatoid
arthritis.Vitamin E - It protects many tissues, including joints, against
oxidative damage.Rheumatoid Arthritis Herbal remedy includesBoswellia- It cures symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.Cayenne - It may help relieve pain when rubbed onto arthritic jointsDevil's Claw- It exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic actionsTurmeric - It is an active constituent and a potent anti-inflammatory
compound that protects the body against free radical damage.Herbs To Give You Quick Relief Joint pains, weaknesses in Joints can make the person intolerable to
bear but Medicines can give you relief but there is no other remedy
then Herbs to cure Arthritis. There are several herbal remedies for
Arthritis to make your self esteem rose. Some of them are following:Alfalfa (Medicago saliva)Alfalfa is a folk remedy for arthritis in southern Appalachia. Alfalfa
tea is rich with nutritive minerals. It is a perennial plant with a
smooth, erect stem that grows 2-3 feet. It looks like a large clover.
Its violet-purple flowers grow in racemes from June to August,
producing spirally coiled seedpods. Its dried whole herbs including
blossoms are gathered at the beginning of flowering season. Alkalizes
detoxifies the body and helps to fight diuretic, lower cholesterol,
balances hormones, promotes pituitary gland function. It is an
antifungal agent. It is best if used in raw form. Angelica (Angelica archangelica)Angelica is a herb been used in European folk medicine since antiquity.
It can be used to treat arthritisFeverfew This has been used for centuries for arthritis. Some studies have found
that the anti-inflammatory effects of this herb are greater than any
other. Take 250 milligrams once or twice daily.Ginger (Zingiber officinale) In one study, Indian researchers gave three to seven grams of ginger a
day to 18 people with osteoarthritis and 28 with rheumatoid arthritis.
More than 75 percent of those participating in the study reported some
relief from pain and swelling.Burdock This refers to any of a group of biennial thistles in the Arctium,
family Asteraceae. Common Burdock (A. minus) grows wild throughout most
of North America, Europe, and Asia. In folk tradition, burdock has also
been used as a laxative and to get relief from Arthritis. Vitamin EThis antioxidant is used primarily for osteoarthritis. Vitamin BIt is also an effective pain reliever. It works best on the knee and
can help stop degeneration that is caused by free-radical molecules,
not only in the joints but in other areas of the body as well.Medicines Or HerbsA potential advantage of using arthritis herbs is that, in addition of
alleviating arthritis pain, they may provide some positive effects that
are not attained from drugs aimed solely at reducing pain due to
inflammation. For example, there is more benefit of using Arthritis
herbal cures improved circulation. In fact, improving circulation to
the limbs may be one of the important therapeutic approaches for
alleviating arthritis pain. Persons with advanced arthritis feel
uncomfortable for any physical activity, which contributes to worsening
of circulation in limbs. This situation can easily be countered by
Herb.Are There Any Side Effects There are basically no side effects if you use Herbs with the
prescription of Doctor. But some patients have been affected with
allergy by using ALFALFA. With these herbs some people may experience
stomach discomfort, including diarrhea, gas or larger and more frequent
stools. Dermatitis (red and inflamed skin) has also been reported.
Alfalfa may also lower blood sugar levels.
Good life style, exercise, healthy diet along with herbal remedies for
arthritis can surely give you relief and even make you lead an active
and healthy life.
Perennial Herbs to make your garden elegant
Perennial Herbs- Paradise Of your home In the good olden days when ignorance prevailed all over, when
superstition was a virtue, and belief in magic was universal, there
were literally hundreds of perennial herbs cultivated for fantastic
reasons. Thanks to modern science and experts who after exploring many
of these ancient fallacies, modified and experimented with them and
thus gave us today the modern Pharmacopoeia means Perennial herbs.
Perennial herbs mean herbs growing through out the year and year after
year.Perennial Herbs And Your GardenPerennial herbs Gardens that decorate the home are the owners' pride.
Perennial herbs gardens have earned a respectable place in the homes of
Americans. Freshly harvested herbs have pungent and aromatic qualities
that far exceed those of their commercially obtained counterparts,
whether they are fresh or dried.
Even after the outdoor growing season is over, you can still enjoy
dried herbs in fragrant potpourris and sachets. You can also grow herbs
indoors in pots on sunny windowsills, and use them for culinary
purposes fresh, dried, or frozen. They require care and a little space.
Very few insects and disease affect these herbs, and they generally
require moderate fertility levels. Above all, herbs provide you a
continuing and satisfying hobby.Most Popular Perennial Herbs FennelFennel is as edible as a vegetable; with a sweet licorice taste. It is
used for flavoring foods from candy to fish and even used as a garnish
for deviled eggs. The diary of an Ohio Valley settler from the late
1700's mentions fennel as a medicinal herb that might be found in
pioneer cabins. Essential Oil of Fennel is included in some
pharmacopoeias. It is traditionally used in drugs to treat chills and
stomach problems.Bee Balm, Bergamot (Monarda Didyma)Many of the herbs cultivated here today were brought from Europe, but
bee balm is native to the Americas. This plant is very susceptible to
mildew, so it is harvested early and must not be treated with
chemicals. Modern herbalists recommend bee balm tea for sore throats,
coughs, nausea, and menstrual cramps. The essential oil of bergamot/bee
balm has antibacterial and antiseptic applications. Wild Garlic, Leeks And Chives (Allium)Representative of a large group of pungent herbs, alliums grow from
bulbs each year. Settlers used these early spring herbs for added
flavor and health benefits, much like onions and garlic. For herb
gardens, alliums are available from all over the world, many with
interesting and odd ornamental flowers. A. sativum is renowned for its
medical benefits as well as its flavor. More recently, Garlic has been
shown to have promising anti-cancer properties.Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)Native to Kentucky prairies, coneflowers were introduced to settlers by
Native Americans as medicinal herbs; echinacea herb derived from
Purpule Coneflower has indeed become a familiar word on pharmacy
shelves. These big, bold, beautiful flowers have become so popular that
plant breeders have developed hybrids with new features, including an
expanded color range of whites, pinks, reds, yellows and oranges. Many,
such as Fragrant Angel, are scented. Perennial herbs should be given a
permanent location in the garden where they can grow undisturbed year
after year. Perennial herbs require periodic division to remain healthy
and productive. Urva Ursi: Parts Are Leaves And BerriesNative to Europe, the herb is now naturalized throughout the Northern
Hemisphere up to the Arctic. It is popular with some gardeners who
cultivate it as a ground cover.
Astringent and diuretic, uva ursi is used almost exclusively in the
treatment of urinary disorders by herbalists in North America. It is
widely used to disinfect and astringe the urinary tract in cases of
acute and chronic cystitis and urethritis. Although one of the best
natural urinary antiseptics, it is not suitable in case of kidney
infection. Research has confirmed its antibacterial effect, which is
thought to be stronger in alkaline urine. Thus, it is likely to be more
effective if taken in combination with a vegetable-based diet.
Therefore, while taking uva ursi, vitamin C and acid-rich foods as
citrus and many other fruits, should be avoided.
The herb is also an anthilic, quickly breaking down kidney and bladder
stones, and stopping new ones from forming. It has been recommended for
ulceration of the bladder and leucorrhoea and to reduce excessive
menstrual flow.
There are over seventy species of Arctostaphylos, with uva ursi being
one of the most pronounced medicinally. It is available commercially in
forms for infusions, cold macerations, extracts, capsules, and powdered
forms. These preparations can also be made at home under professional
guidance.ValerianTwo species of Valerian, Valeriana officinalis and V. dioica, are
indigenous to Britain, while a third, V. pyrenaica, is naturalized in
some parts. The genus comprises about 150 species, which are widely
distributed in temperate parts of the world.
In medicine, the Valeriun root of V. officinalis is intended when
Valerian is mentioned. It is supposed to be the Phu (an expression of
aversion from its offensive odour) of Dioscorides and Galen, by whom it
is extolled as an aromatic and diuretic.
It has a remarkable influence on the cerebro-spinal system, and is used
as a sedative to the higher nerve centres in conditions of nervous
unrest, St. Vitus's dance, hypochrondriasis, neuralgic pains and the
The drug allays pain and promotes sleep. It is of special use and
benefits those suffering from nervous overstrain as it possesses no
after-effects that are produced by narcotics.
Though in ordinary doses, it exerts an influence quieting and soothing
in its nature upon the brain and nervous system. Large doses, repeated
too often, have a tendency to produce pain in the head, heaviness and
stupor. Scented GerinniumIn the world of herbs, scented geraniums have unique place. There are
over 230 varieties with aromas. Whatever mood you are in a choose one
out of many whether it is apple , coconut, peach, apricot cinnamon,
pineapple, nutmeg, or even pink Champagne?
Scented geraniums are considered tender perennials. Today scented
geraniums continue to be used in the making of perfumes. Synthetic rose
oil is made using rose scented geraniums. The dried leaves are also
used in sachets and potpourri. In aromatherapy rose scented geranium is
used for facial steams as it is reputed to have anti-aging effects on
the skin. It is also said to ease insomnia and have an antidepressant
The best way to choose a variety is to find well-stocked nursery and
let your sense of smell lead the way. Guidelines To Buy Perennial HerbsPerennials add beauty, permanence, and seasonal rhythm to any
landscape, and fortunately, there's a perennial that's right for almost
any environment.
Before you move to your local garden store or sit down with your
nursery catalog, have a plan in mind to make sure you buy just the
right number of plants with the soil, amount of moisture and sunlight
the plants will receive. If you are:Starting your Perennials from SeedAdvantagesInexpensive -- a packet of perennial seeds often costs less than one
single plant. You'll have the widest possible variety of species and colors to choose
from. DisadvantagesSome perennials take two to three years to reach blooming size. Some perennials are difficult for anyone but the expert gardener to
grow form the seed. SuggestionsIt may not be feasible to try starting your entire perennial garden
from seed, but you may want to try adding a few new plants that you've
started yourself. You'll find that you take great pride in the plants
you've started yourself. Ordering from Mail Order NurseriesAdvantagesYou'll find a much larger selection than that available from your local
garden center.DisadvantagesPlants are usually smaller than those available locally, and may be
slower to establish themselves because of the stress of shipping.SuggestionsPlace a small first order from mail order nurseries to test the quality
of their plants. Order early for the best selection. Don't worry about broken or bruised leaves -- healthy plants recover
quickly. Examine your plants immediately and contact the supplier right away if
there is a problem. Most are reputable and will handle your complaints
promptly. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Mail order nurseries
often offer special collections that are excellent buys, but avoid
those that are unbelievable. Even the catalogues they offer are a great source of inspiration and
information.Buying From Your Local Garden Center AdvantagesYou can see what you're getting. Plants will be larger and will establish themselves more quickly than
those ordered by mail.DisadvantageThe selection won't be as good as what you'll find in a good nursery
catalog.SuggestionsShop in the spring when you'll find the best selection. Avoid rootbound plants. Check plants for insects. If you can't plant immediately keep the containers in a shaded area and
water often.
Whether you grow them, buy them, marinate with them or use them for
medicinal purposes perennial herbs are extremely versatile,
rejuvenating and self- satisfying.
Facts of Herbal Nutrition SupplementsHerbal Nutrient Supplement is becoming prominent. Herbal Supplements
are preferred by many people across the globe.
These herbal dietary supplementsProvide essential nutrientsBoost the human immune system Enhance memory and sleep qualityWorld of Herbal Nutrient SupplementsIn a vast family of Herbal Nutrient Supplements some of the most
popular Herbal Supplements are:GingkoThis increases blood circulation, oxygenation and improves memory and
mental alertness.GoldensealThis reduces inflammation and can be used as a mild laxative. FeverfewThis prevents migraine headaches, treat arthritis, rheumatic disease
and allergies.ST. John's WortIt is used for mild-to-treat depression, anxiety, or sleep disorders. GarlicThis helps to lower cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood
pressure. GinsengThis Increases physical stamina and mental concentration. A New Era in a Fertility Arena Nutritional supplements have taken center stage in the realms of
fertility health and infertility therapy. New fertility-enhancing
supplements are leading to dramatic increases in conception rates and
providing a alternative (or complement) to conventional infertility
treatments. Numerous studies validated the herbal supplement for
fertility enhancing potential of several nutritional and herbal
ingredients. Herbs like vitex agnus castus (vitex, chasteberry) amino
acid and l-carnitine enhance the reproductive health of women and men
respectively. Clinical studies indicate that these ingredients optimize
fertility and increase the chances of conceiving a baby.Natural Therapies and Supplements for Anxiety DisordersMany Herbal supplements for anxiety problems have been in use for
centuries. Herbal anxiety supplements reduce Depression and other
problems faced by us. Herbal Nutrient vs Vegetables Unfortunately more and more use of pesticides and fertilizers by
farmers in their crops are leading to depletion of nutritious value
leading health problems. Thus the only substitutes are Herbal dietary
supplements. Multivitamin can act like Insurance cover.
If you belong to one of the following category then a daily Vitamin and
mineral supplement can fill nutritional gaps Women of childbearing age Seniors Citizens Strict vegetarians orDieters orFacing eating disorders, deficiency diseases and absorption problems.How to recognize Herbal Nutrient Supplements?Herbal supplements are commonly available in several forms like
Tinctures, Capsules, Tea etc. Familiarity with different forms of
herbal supplements can help you to make the best choice. Capsules are
most popular form of herbal supplements. The dried herbal supplement is
powdered and pressed into gelatin capsules. Capsules containing a
combination of the whole herb and a standardized extract provide the
greatest effect. Appropriate dosage ranges are listed on the labels of
herb capsule bottles. If you are taking herbal remedy for an acute
illness, choose the higher end of the dosage range. If you are taking
herbal supplements as a preventive measure, choose a lower dosage.
Teas (herbal infusions) are prepared by putting small amount of herb in
a cup, filling it with boiling water and then heating it. Herb teas
increase potency.
Quantity of Dosage
The quantity of herbal supplement dosage to be consumed depends on
weight. To calculate herbal supplement dosages, simply take the weight
of the person and divide it by 150. Chronically ill or physically
disabled persons should take low dosage of Herbal supplement. Side Effects There can be side effects in the use of Herbal Nutrition supplement
like GINKO. It may increase bleeding in people who already are taking
certain anti-clotting medications; Goldenseal may increase swelling or
high blood pressure. Feverfew can increase bleeding etc. Precaution needed before the use of Herbal Nutrient Supplement Dietary supplements may not be risk free under certain circumstances.
Few major points should be kept in mind before using Herbal
Supplements. They are as follows:Choose standardized herbal extracts. Standardization ensures product
consistency from one batch to the next. Look for the ingredient COA (Certificate of Analysis), which guarantees
the potency and safety of that ingredient. The active ingredients in many supplements are destroyed by stomach
acid but the best herbal supplement is one that is designed to bypass
or survive the digestive process. Choose single herb supplements rather than compounds or blends. Are Herbal Nutrient Supplements for everyone?Herbal Nutrient Supplements are for everyone except for those patients
who are undergoing surgery, pregnant or nursing women and children who
are currently under medical treatment. Doctor should be duly informed
about the vitamins, minerals, herbals or any other supplements before
elective surgery. You may be asked to stop taking these products at
least 2-3 weeks ahead of the procedure to avoid dangerous
supplement/drug interactions such as changes in heart rate, blood
pressure and increased bleeding that could adversely affect the outcome
of your surgery.
Need of doctor's advice
Dietary supplements have many supplements that contain active
ingredients. They have strong biological effects and their safety is
not always assured, and in some cases doctors advice is required. In
case of pregnancy, nursing a baby, or having a chronic medical
condition, such as, diabetes, hypertension or heart disease it is
advisable to consult doctor or pharmacist before purchasing or taking
any supplement. While vitamin and mineral supplements are widely
considered safe for children it is better to consult doctor or
pharmacist. If you want to use dietary supplement in place of drugs or
in combination with any drug then also health care provider should be
consulted. Authenticity of Herbal Nutrient Supplements The medical and scientific communities are rapidly accumulating
powerful evidence about the role of nutritional supplements in both
health promotion and disease prevention. The results are encouraging
and make one to conclude that Herbal Dietary Supplements are a gift to
Welcome to HerbalCureIndia Herbal cure India is one of the most premier
brands that is functioning extensively in establishing the world of
ayurveda and herbs as the main stream of treatment. The herbal
supplements that made by herbal cure India are one of the best herbal
supplements that are available. These are formulated after extensive
research done by our doctors. The team of our specialized doctors is
present round the clock to give you online advice to cure you from all
the ailments you are suffering from. We have world’s finest range of
beauty products that will change your life and make you beautiful like
never before.

Besides from the emotional shock, it seems that there are physical
ramifications from having acne breakouts. Besides the pimple itself, it
is the after consequence that actually poses a problem. Acne scars pose
the greatest physical effect on a person's acne-infested face.
While the pimples may come and go, scars can be enduring, and one needs
to make sure that she deals with her acne difficulty the right way
unless she wants to have scars all over her face and body.
Acne scarring depends on how pimples were cleared out from the face as
well as its healing process. But not all remnants of a pimple can be
measured a scar. Acne scars are formed simple as after the tissue has
been damaged, the body in general heals the small wound, but as the new
construction sets on that damaged area, it will not essentially be
similar-looking with the rest of the skin. This makes a scar.
The strength of the scar, though, depends on different unverified
factors. It could be because the acne was so severe, or the person did
something drastic to remove it. On the other hand, some people are just
more susceptible to acne scarring, which may be inherited. Acne scars
differ from each other. There are scars that change little in a
lifetime and there are scars that fade out over time.
A complete herbal solution to your eye problem. A unique formulation
based on the principles of ayurveda, that will help you counter any
kind of eye related problem. Safest method to rejuvenate the vision of
eye. Itone is an ayurvedic preparation, free from harmful chemicals
that works as an antiseptic and non irritant lotion without any harmful
effect to the eye tissues.
Indication Strains Watering of eyes Decreased vision Redness in eyes Pain in eyes Allergies Styes Dryness in eyes Burning of eyes Dosage 1 to 2 drops to be applied in both the eyes at bed time and after
rising in the bed in the morning or as advised by a doctor.
IngredientsNimba Sobhanjana Bhringaraj Punarnava Nirgundi Stapatri Yamani Haritki Vibhitaki Dhatriphala Haridra Larnpuam Pudina Saindhava lavana Madhu Ela Swet chandan Mukta Rakta chanadan Hastisundi Tulsi patra
So, how can you actually avert scarring? To be safe, it's better to
shun acne in the first place. It is best to treat the acne in its early
stages. The less inflamed it is, the less scarring possible. Also,
picking out the pimple will augment the possibility of scarring
incredibly. Taking good care of your skin can help you out in
preventing acne scarring. So put on some sun block and treat your skin
right with proper diet and shun things that can make the skin suffer
from premature aging such as smoking.
There are many types of acne. There are soft acne scars that are small,
soft to the touch and merge with the skin. There is also the ice pick
scar, which is small but deep and usually found on the cheek. An ice
pick scar that is quite big though, is considered as depressed fibrotic
acne scar. Scars differ not only in size or depth, but also in color.
This means some races are more prone to certain types of scars than
But what is irritating about these acne scars is that they aren't easy
to take away. People who try to wait it out may be frustrated because
some are there to stay for a lifetime. But fret not, for there is a way
to treat acne scars. Bleaching agents are obtainable for certain scars.
There are also topical resurfacing agents for scars.
Microdermabrasion or dermatological surgery can also be a solution. But
whatever treatment you use, there is no certainty that your face will
have that pre-scar skin again, even if the treatment works. If scarring
does have a deep effect on your life, the best way is to ask the help
of a dermatologist.
Home remedy for constipation tip 1 - Drinking a glass of warm milk
before going to bed helps in easy evacuation in the morning. In case of
severe constipation, mix two teaspoons of castor oil in the milk.
Home remedy for constipation tip 2 - Bale fruit is the best laxative of
all fruits. It cleans and tones up the intestines & gives constipation
Home remedy for constipation tip 3 - You can overcome constipation with
simple home remedies and common sense. Schedule a regular time for
bowel movements. Choose a time when you won't be rushed or interrupted.
Many people find that the best time is shortly after a meal or first
thing in the morning or after coffee.
Home remedy for constipation tip 4 - 8 ounce of milk should be mixed
with about 3 ounces of prune juice in addition to little drops of
licorice extract and should be taken in morning to treat constipation
as soon as possible. This is simple and effective Home Remedy for
Home remedy for constipation tip 5 - Take 5 gram of amla powder in
night. It is an effective herbal remedy for constipation
Home remedy for constipation tip 6 - Mix dried figs with plum's
concentration; add half a teaspoon of paraffin oil, 1 cup of borsch,
honey and lemon and drink.
Tip 7 - Saturate plums (or dates) with warm water before you go to bed;
drink the water in the morning and eat the plums if you want to.
Tip 8 - Eat more veggies! In the long run, the only thing that’s going
to keep this from happening is fiber. You should be eating 28-42 grams
of fiber a day, which means fiber-rich veggies, not just a few
Tip 8 - Many home remedies for constipation are herbal. They are aloe
juice, senna, and cascara sagrada, and medicinal rhubarb, root of
dandelion and plaintain seeds. Of these the most effect is probably
cascara sagrada. Overuse can be harmful, however, so approach these
herbal home constipation remedies with care.
Our intend is to provide useful and precise information about herbal
products and home remedies. You will find general product information
as well as testimonials, product reviews and articles. This is a
moderately new site but we will be adding new herbal product reviews
each week.
There are five general categories of products:
Specific Health Products - herbal products relating to specific health
conditions. Weight Loss Products - herbal solutions to weight loss.Men's Health Products - herbal products relating to male sexuality or
men's issues.Women's Health Products - herbal products relating to female sexuality,
conception or women's issues.Natural Skin Care and beauty Products - Safe and gentle skin care
Natural weight loss with Bioslim Our nature provides us with a number of herbs that can be used to get
rid of a number of problems including obesity. These herbs are there in
the mountains and the forest covers and need to be cautiously selected
from their. The main benefit of consuming the herbs and taking an
herbal weight loss treatment, is that this a 100 % natural way of
getting rid of diseases, and hence is safer. There are a number of
researches that are constantly being organized to update the
information on the different herbal methods of recovering from diseases
and health problems.

Herbs have also established to be useful in reducing weight. Some of
the medicines and chemicals that are unnaturally prepared to provide a
weight loss solution are present in these herbs. The herbal weight loss
medicines that are available in the market can be used for a quick and
competent treatment. The main advantage of using the herbal weight loss
medicines and treatments is that they are free of any side effects and
hence can help you decrease weight in a safer manner.
It is always better to club the weight loss treatments with the
exercise and a balanced diet. These two factors alone can help you loss
weight. Using herbal medicines to reduce weight would just add fire to
the fuel and increase the rate of weight loss. The information on the
herbal weight loss treatments can be obtained online. There are
different herbs that have been found in the new past that can be used
for herbal treatment of obesity. The use of green tea is one of the
latest discoveries that can be used for a quick weight loss device.
Lean tea is an herbal product that can be used to reduce the weight
without any side effect. Using the green tea you can with no trouble
convert the bad cholesterol contained in the body into the good
There are dissimilar weight loss programs that can be joint with the
herbal treatment for weight loss for a more efficient weight loss plan.
The weight loss technique used in getting the herbal treatment use the
naturally happening chemicals in the form of the herbs to get rid of
the problem of obesity and for a quick weight loss. These herbs and
plants are cautiously selected and their extracts are prepared which
can be consumed in a fixed dosage for a side effect free weight loss
Bioslim, a herbal weigh loss formula is extremely helpful in making you
lose weigh very fast. Bioslim is a blend of some of the finest
ayurvedic herbs that are extremely beneficial in weigh loss in the most
efficient way.
Speman for increasing sperm count
One of the most frustrating infertility problems is male infertility
caused by low sperm count. Around half of the infertility problems
encountered by couples are caused by male infertility. The most common
form of male infertility is a low sperm count.

Below are various methods that will help you in increasing sperm count.
- Have sex & masturbate less often - the more times you ejaculate, the
less dense your semen will be. Maintain a gap of 3 days between two
consecutive ejaculations.
- Abstain from habits like smoking, alcohol consumption etc. - Alcohol
affects your liver function, which, in turn, causes a remarkable rise
in estrogen levels. Even two drinks a day will have long-term effects
on sperm production
-Exercise on a regular basis. Exercising your PC muscle can help you
shoot further than ever before. You can practice this exercise by the
use of penis enlargement oil popularly known as orgy oil.
- Eat Nutritious Food - Diet that's low in fat and high in protein,
vegetables, and whole grains is good for your health and for your
sperm. Avoid bitter, astringent and spicy foods. Decrease caffeine
- Take natural supplement like Speman that will increase your sperm
- Herbs like Ashwagandha, salabmishri, shialjit, that are present in
the most wonderful herbal product known as himalaya speman that will
help in increasing your sperm count.
There are several dietary measures that a man who has a low sperm count
can take to attempt to increase his sperm count, including:
- Eat a diet that comprises whole, unprocessed foods. The best foods
for health in general and also for sperm count problems, are whole
grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.
- Eliminate alcohol intake. In addition to the general nutritional
benefits of avoiding alcohol, keep away from alcohol may also assist
with sexual performance issues.
- Identify and avoid food allergies.
- Raw sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds have been shown to help with
male fertility. It is recommended that a man with a low sperm count eat
1/4 cup of raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds each day.
- Drink at least 48 ounces of water every day.
- When promising, try to eat organic foods. Some studies propose a
connection between chemical fertilizers and pesticides with both male
and female infertility.
How To Lose Weight With An Advanced Weight Loss Diet If you've decided to live a healthier lifestyle, you may also want to
consider losing weight, too. Lately, more people have been trying to
get healthy with fat diets; and as more and more people fail, we hear
about the importance of losing weight more often in television and
print media.
But how can the average Joe get in 30 minutes of exercise everyday when
all he has to do is work? There are weight loss supplements that are
designed to help you lose weight without the need for weights and
running and all the other exercise regimes that people describe as the
best way to lose those extra pounds.
Advanced Weight Loss supplements are designed to help the average Joe
reach his goal of weight loss and or muscle gain. It can be seen as
like living in the future, take a supplement and everything will be
Of course it is not like that in reality: don’t think for a second that
you can take these supplements and they will solve all of your weight
loss problems. In addition to weight loss supplements, you should also
alter your diet. You should make it healthier by restricting your
portions and reducing the amount of saturated and hydrogenated fats you
You should also consider walking and cycling, which are good ways to
help the body stay naturally healthy as well as help those health
supplements get to their full power.
There are many packages available for purchase and you must check them
carefully; some are not designed for your health, so always be careful
and read the label. Taking concentrated chemical medicines instead of
healthy medicines could seriously alter your hormonal cycles.
This is another reason why healthy medicines are the best choice in the
long run. They will facilitate the improvement of your health over a
long period of time, rather than provide you with a dangerous, quick
fix to your problem.
Fat Loss Different For Everyone When it comes to ways to achieve fat loss, there are about as many
programs as there are people hoping to lose fat. Which one a person
chooses will depend on whether they think it will work for them. It has
been noted that if there were one diet plan that worked for absolutely
everyone, there would be no overweight people.
Many times, people look at a fat loss program and the easier it sounds,
the more excited about it they become. Imagine taking a pill and the
weight falls off while you continue your couch potato lifestyle. While
there may be some chemical needs to kick-start your metabolism, most
doctors and trainers will tell you that the only real way to achieve
fat loss is through diet and exercise.
Every person’s metabolism is different and how fast their body burns
calories is different. As a result, how fast they experience fat loss
is going to be different. Some of the better weight loss programs
understand that and advise people not to give up if they do not see
exceptional results in the first weeks of being on a particular diet
Fat Burners: A Temporary Solution
Recently, the biggest push has been for fat burners, which can help
jump-start your fat loss efforts. The trouble with these programs is
that they do work, but only for a while before the body builds up
immunity to them and stop working. The best role they play is showing
almost immediate results to give the person hope for their fat loss and
more initiative to stay on their program of choice.
A fast, temporary fat loss program will not help you maintain the
weight you are looking for, rather it only shows in the short term.
Without a maintenance program of diet and exercise it will not take
long until you will find the fat you lost. For those who struggle with
their weight, losing weight is not just a diet plan, it is a way of
life. When people say they do not diet because the diets do not work,
they may be right. In order to lose weight a person has to take in less
calories than they burn.
When seeking the right fat loss method that will work for you, remember
your body’s nutritional needs as well. Often times eliminating too many
calories also eliminates the very stimulus your body needs for its own
metabolic rate control and, after all, the body is the best fat burner
Premenstrual Symptoms Premenstrual symptoms (PMS) is what is known as the symptoms that start
7 to 14 days before menstruation and thankfully the symptoms usually
stop soon after the period begins.
Most women feel different levels of discomfort before their periods. If
you have premenstrual symptoms, you may feel so anxious, depressed or
Some women suffer insomuch that they struggle to cope at home or at
work. Symptoms can be worse some months and better others
Some of the symptoms of premenstrual symptoms are listed below. Bloated
abdomen / Constipation Depression and Crying spells The heartbeat is
faster A feeling of hunger Feeling irritable/ tense Feeling tired and
anxious Headache and Joint pain Mood swings and a lack of interest in
sex Tender and swollen breasts Difficulty concentrating or sleeping
Swollen hands or feet Preferring to be alone Weight gain
What's the cause of premenstrual symptoms? It's not known for sure!It seems to be linked in part to changes in hormone levels that take
place during the menstrual cycle.
Contrary to what many people believe premenstrual symptoms is not
caused by stress or psychological problems although they may make the
symptoms of premenstrual symptoms worse.
How do we diagnose premenstrual symptoms? Some doctors ask their
patientsto keep track of your symptoms on a calendar. If those symptoms
follow the same pattern it's likely to be premenstrual symptoms.
You should ask your doctor to examine you to rule out other
problems.They will talk to you about your work or home life and discuss
your eating and exercise habits.
How is premenstrual symptoms treated? Most women are aware that there
isn't a cure for premenstrual symptoms. Eating a healthy diet and
regular exercise will be a great help. There are of course certain
medicines that also help.
Your doctor will consider advising you of possibly changing your diet
and including an exercise routine and depending on your symptoms, they
may also prescribe medicines.
Some medicines work better than others so you may need to experiment.
Some medicines are available over-the-counter and others require a
prescription. Prescription medicines may include antidepressants
diuretics or birth control pills.
As for the future? Other medicines are constantly being studied.
What are diuretics? A diuretic is any drug that tends to increase the
flow of urine from the body. They also decrease the extra cellular
fluid volume, and are primarily used to produce a negative extra
cellular fluid balance.You would normally take them prior to any
expected premenstrual symptoms.
What about antidepressants? For those women who suffer severe
irritability, depression and anxiety, some antidepressants may help.
These medicines are usually taken daily.....and birth control pills? Ask your doctor about taking birth control
pills. They can help ease some of your premenstrual symptoms by
"balancing out" your hormone levels throughout your cycle and many
women find that their premenstrual symptoms improve drastically.
Remember though, the pill may cause side effects.
What about non prescription Medicines?
Non prescription medicines are available that can help with the
symptoms of premenstrual symptoms. Basically these medicines combine
aspirin or acetaminophen with caffeine, antihistamines or diuretics.
Some over-the-counter pain relievers can also help and can work quite
well for mild or moderate premenstrual symptoms but do discuss this
with your doctor before you try them.
What might ease the symptoms? . Here are some tips on controlling
premenstrual symptoms: Eat complex carbohydrates including whole grain
breads, pasta and cereals. Eat fibre and protein and reduce your intake
of sugar and fat. Avoid salt just prior to your period to reduce
bloating and fluid retention.
Reduce your caffeine intake. This will help you to feel less tense and
irritable and help ease breast soreness. Cut out alcohol. Alcohol
before a period can make you feel more depressed.Eat more small meals each day instead of less larger meals. Get as much
sleep as possible--about 8 hours a night and keep to a regular schedule
of meals, bedtime and exercise. Avoid stressful events for the week
after your period.
Some people benefit from a vitamin regime and some don't. Supplements,
such as vitamin B6, vitamin E and magnesium, can help relieve
premenstrual symptoms. Check with your doctor about possible side
effects taking vitamins if you take more than the RDA.
Taking calcium pills may reduce symptoms of water retention, ramps and
back pain. Taking about 1,000 mg of calcium a day probably won't be
harmful, especially because calcium has so many other benefits, such as
being good for your bones.
Constipation in newborns can become a big problem if neglected. In many
cases, these situations can get complicated because newborn babies are
not able to describe what is happening with their own bodies. At the
same time, there is nothing such as a healthy frequency for bowel
movements in newborns. Some of them might have several watery stools in
a day, and some of them might not have bowel movements for whole weeks
together. That is the reason parents have to be vigilant. If the baby
cries incessantly or is squirming then it is probably suffering from
If you are sure your baby is constipated, there are some ways to treat
the condition at home itself. You can try these very simple and safe
remedies before visiting the doctor.
Constipation in Newborns Home Remedy # 1 This is a simple massage technique that helps the baby to improve the
digestive and egestive (passing stools) function. Put the baby on its
back on a soft surface. Then hold both the feet of the baby in the air.
Then slowly circulate both the legs in the air. Follow different kinds
of movements for each leg – clockwise for one and anticlockwise for the
other, and change the orders. This helps to improve the function of the
digestive tract and the baby will have a bowel movement soon.
Constipation in Newborns Home Remedy # 2 This is another massaging method that works effectively. Put the baby
on its back and keep your palm on his/her tummy. Then, slowly and
gradually, cycle the palm on the baby's belly. The movements should be
with light pressure, but steady. This method stimulates the digestive
tract of the baby too and allows it to have a bowel movement. You can
do this massage when the baby is in the bath or after applying a
sufficient quantity of massage oil on the baby's body. Apart from being
a good digestive tract strengthening exercise, the baby will love the
feeling too.
Constipation in Newborns Home Remedy # 3 If your baby is being some formula, stop it. Rely only on
breastfeeding. Really, this is the best home remedy there is because
babies that are breastfed will never get constipated. If you cannot
breastfeed for some reason, then there might be two probable causes of
the constipation. Number one, you might be using lesser water than
required in making the formula. Prepare the formula exactly according
to the instructions mentioned. Use boiled water that has been cooled.
Number two, your child might be averse to milk-based formulas. Try
replacing them with soy-based formulas.
These are some things you can do at home to try and ensure that your
baby has regular bowel movements. But if the bowel movements do not
happen despite these massaging techniques, and the baby is not having
any other food except breast milk, then there might be some other
condition troubling the baby. In that case, you must not waste any
further time in visiting the healthcare provider.
Constipation in newborns can become a big problem if neglected. In many
cases, these situations can get complicated because newborn babies are
not able to describe what is happening with their own bodies. At the
same time, there is nothing such as a healthy frequency for bowel
movements in newborns. Some of them might have several watery stools in
a day, and some of them might not have bowel movements for whole weeks
together. That is the reason parents have to be vigilant. If the baby
cries incessantly or is squirming then it is probably suffering from
If you are sure your baby is constipated, there are some ways to treat
the condition at home itself. You can try these very simple and safe
remedies before visiting the doctor.
Constipation in Newborns Home Remedy # 1 This is a simple massage technique that helps the baby to improve the
digestive and egestive (passing stools) function. Put the baby on its
back on a soft surface. Then hold both the feet of the baby in the air.
Then slowly circulate both the legs in the air. Follow different kinds
of movements for each leg – clockwise for one and anticlockwise for the
other, and change the orders. This helps to improve the function of the
digestive tract and the baby will have a bowel movement soon.
Constipation in Newborns Home Remedy # 2 This is another massaging method that works effectively. Put the baby
on its back and keep your palm on his/her tummy. Then, slowly and
gradually, cycle the palm on the baby's belly. The movements should be
with light pressure, but steady. This method stimulates the digestive
tract of the baby too and allows it to have a bowel movement. You can
do this massage when the baby is in the bath or after applying a
sufficient quantity of massage oil on the baby's body. Apart from being
a good digestive tract strengthening exercise, the baby will love the
feeling too.
Constipation in Newborns Home Remedy # 3 If your baby is being some formula, stop it. Rely only on
breastfeeding. Really, this is the best home remedy there is because
babies that are breastfed will never get constipated. If you cannot
breastfeed for some reason, then there might be two probable causes of
the constipation. Number one, you might be using lesser water than
required in making the formula. Prepare the formula exactly according
to the instructions mentioned. Use boiled water that has been cooled.
Number two, your child might be averse to milk-based formulas. Try
replacing them with soy-based formulas.
These are some things you can do at home to try and ensure that your
baby has regular bowel movements. But if the bowel movements do not
happen despite these massaging techniques, and the baby is not having
any other food except breast milk, then there might be some other
condition troubling the baby. In that case, you must not waste any
further time in visiting the healthcare provider.
Tighten & Restore the grip of Vagina
Lady Secret Serum gives you complete youthfulness and brings back the
vagina into its original shape and enhances tightening sensation and
heightens sensitivity of vagina. Contains Phyto-estrogen and various
tropical herbal extracted types also to helping and restores
lubrication and solving the problem of vaginal dryness.
Ingredients : Pueraria Mirifica and tropical herb extracts, Carbopol,
Water, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Propylene and etc.
Direction : After daily cleansing, properly washed hands and apply the
serum gently on vagina, and no need to rinse off.
Serum : 5 ml.
Introduction Lady Secret contains herbal ingredients, based on Indo-Thai traditional
knowledge of Herbal science. Lady secret helps in Tighten & Restore the
grip of Vagina and Stimulate the G Spot for Intimate Pleasure . This is
useful for ladies who loose their vagina size usually after delivery or
some other physiological reasons. Lady Secret effects positively on
intimate relationship where both partner looses interest in each other
without knowing the cause, this Lady Secret cream gives you complete
youthfulness and bring back the vagina into its original shape and
Enhances tightening sensation and heightens sensitivity of vagina. Lady
Secret will give you more confidence and Pleasure of Intimate
relationship, which you might have not experienced before. Experience
the Pleasure of young age again with Lady Secret. Product Features 1. Firms and tightens the vagina naturally at the same time to give
more pleasure and comfort . 2. Contains estrogen helping to restore lubrication solving the problem
of vaginal dryness . 3. Help in restoring the vagina suppleness. 4. Also increase vaginal secretion and contraction of vaginal channel . 5. It is an anti-inflammatory that stop swelling and dispel unpleasant
odor . 6. Helpful in protection from microbial pathogens. 7. Reduce excessive mucus of the vagina. 8. Contracts and reshape the vaginal walls to intensify intimate
pleasure. How it effects Lady Secret Cream (Herbal Vaginal Contraction) can shows results within
30 minutes, you can experience the contraction in vagina & tender
feeling of stimulation of G-Spot. Regular application of cream can
enhance the tightening sensation & sensation of vagina. To sustain the
affect of Lady Secret Cream (Herbal Vaginal Contraction) it is
advisable not to wash Vagina immediately. Mechanism (How It Works) Lady Secret Cream works by toning and lubricating the inner walls of
the vagina. It enhances the ability to draw on and secrete your own
natural lubricants. It stimulates the "Bartholon" glands to release
estrogen, helping to restore lubrication solving the problem of vaginal
dryness and thicken the vaginal walls.>
Are you facing problems like Vaginal irritation Leucorrhea Vaginal discharge White discharge Urinary tract infection Yellow discharge Then you might be suffering from leucorrhea.
Leucorrhea is catarrhal release from the mucus membrane of the female
genital tract (FGT). It is commonly known as white or yellow discharge
.It may be due to any precise pathology or due to poor health &
unhygienic condition of the genital organ. This white or yellow
discharge may be varying from white to radish or thick and viscid with
or with no foul smells due type of infections continues. In normal
cases it may be come into view just before or after menstrual bleeding.
In Ayurvedic terminology it is called as SWET PRADAR supposed to be
caused by the aggravation or vitiation of dosha (humor) especially the
kapha humor.
Symptoms Irritability Digestive disturbances. Black circular patch around eyes. Itching in genital path. Spots on undergarments. Foul smells. Root Causes Awake late at night Metabolic & Hormonal disturbances. Weakness, Emaciated & Anemic. Fungal infections. Chronic Amoebiasis. Chronic Constipation Poor hygienic condition Treatment Ayurveda has been regarded as the best herbal medicinal science when it
is regarded to female health. There are lots many herb that are very
effective in treating the gynecological problems especially leucorrhea.
Below are few of the herbs and herbal formulations that are extremely
beneficial in treating leucorrhea.
Ashoka or Saraca indica - Ashoka acts as a muscle relaxant, thus it
relieves pain and discomfort, avoids itching. It is effective for
extreme blood loss during menstruation due to the presence of uterine
fibroids. It is also used as a alternate for ergot, a kind of dried
fungus used in medicine in the treatment of uterine hemorrhage. Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa): Dhatki is helpful in extreme uterine
bleeding. It forms a constituent of a research given in abnormal
suppression of menses. An extract of the plant was found to stimulate
the contraction of the intestinal loop, and investigations have
substantiated the clinical use of the drug in bowel complaints. Female support – This is a wonder of ayurveda. It is the most effective
herba; formulation that is very much recommend by doctors in preventing
as well as treating leucorrhea. This herbal formulation contains three
most vital herbs these are lodhra, ashoka and Shatavari. All these
herbs are very well known for there support in the gynecological
problems as well as leucorrhea. M2tone – m2tone tablets are regarded as a helpful hand in treating all
kind of female genital tract problems. It is considered as the most
authentic herbal formulation that is also a good remedy for treating
problems like PMS, menstrual problems, irritation, leucorrhea, vaginal
discharge and other gynecological problems. Diet for leucorrhea patient Fried and spicy food should completely be avoided. The patient should
not be allowed to keep her stomach empty for a long time. She should
not take heavy, indigestible food material. Sour items especially
pickle and curds are forbidden. Intake of supari after taking food is
very useful both for avoidance and cure of this disease.
Life style of the patient
The patient should be free from worries and should not keep herself
awake late in the night. Sexual intercourse during the attack of this
disease is forbidden. A brisk walk in the early morning helps in the
early cure of leucorrhea. Sanitary and hygienic measures should be
followed cautiously.
Are you suffering from following conditions? Irregular menstruation Menstrual disorder Uterine bleeding Primanary amenorrhoea, Irregular menstrual cycles Secondary amenorrhea White discharge Women are the most beautiful creation of God. She has been blessed with
the benediction to make our species to carry on. She has been assigned
duty by god to make our progeny to continue. But she also has to face
so many difficulties in following the rules laid by God.
Her reproductive tract is under complete control endocrine system.
These produce various hormones to make the female reproductive tract
working. Females have to face so many problems such as irregular
menstruation, menstrual disorder, uterine bleeding, primanary
amenorrhoea, irregular menstrual cycles, secondary amenorrhea, and
white discharge. She is most of the time troubled with these above
mentioned problems that make her very irritated and really need care of
people around her.
Constantly she requires your love and special care that will make her
feel that the pain and agony that she suffers is worth. Being her
partner or well wisher you should always help her. But here question
arises that what can be done…….Think..
Yes these are the primary things that come to your mind instantly. Your
love and proper care will make her relieved from these conditions. Give
her the right treatment for her problem. Heal her problem naturally and
with safety. Give her the herbs that will treat her problem with no
side effects.
But How?
Where would you get all the herbs that will treat her up.
I have the answer. This is known as M2Tone tablets.
Benefits of M2 tone tablets Permanent treatment and cure for menstural cramps It stops abnormal or excessive bleeding from vagina and regulates &
restores normal menstural flow. Can be taken even during periods Completely safe with no chemicals and artificial hormones Improves pregnancy outcomes. Does not cause any side effects like Nausea, Vomiting, Breast
tenderness, Headache, unlike hormones. Safe for long term use
What is M2tone? M2 tone tablet is a wonderful menstrual medicine that is very effective
in irregular menstrual cycles and secondary amenorrhea. It is also
useful in Menstrual Disorder and is a good remedies for menstrual
Dosage of M2 tone tablets
General: One to two tablets twice a day for minimum three cycles with
water.Two tablets twice or thrice a day for minimum three cycles or till
conception takes place.M2tone tablets are the best Home remedies for menstrual cramps, as it
cure it naturally and is the safest herbal medicine as it possesses
various Ayurvedic herbs that will cure your menstruation problem and
will also help you conceive.
Females of any species have being the carrier of the progeny. She has
been provided with the powers to conceive and then give birth to the
same progeny of the species. Human female also gives birth to a baby.
Though it seems to be very easy process but it is actually a very
complex process. Female body is entirely controlled by hormones that
make all the child birth possible. Though this is a blessing by God as
she has the power to make her progeny to progress but still she has to
face lots of agony and troubles.
Female reproductive tract is one of the most complex systems of the
body. The hormonal effects make it susceptible to various wanted and
unwanted effects. The menstrual cycles plays one the most important
role in the life of a female. But it carry with it lots of problems and
pains that only female can understand.
Females also have many other issues also like concerning her beauty and
body. Due to hormonal disturbances she has to face problems like acne
and increased weight. They always want to look good and beautiful. Our
this section of female health deals with all the health concerns of a
Natrual way for breast enlargement and firmness
It constists of high quality Pueraria Mirifica extract which gives best
results in breast firming and enlarging. Phytoestrogen from Pueraria
Mirifica also can help rehydrate the skin and strengthen collagen and
elastin. So it provides both skin and breast rejuvenation.
Ingredients : Pueraria Mirifica and tropical herb extracts.
Direction : Apply the cream on each breast massaging in a circular
motion for 3-5 minutes. Apply once in the morning and at night.
Cream : 100 g.
Human is also a one of the animals created by God. The only thing that
differentiates us humans with other animals is the brain. With the
grace and blessing of God, humans are provided with the developed brain
that provides them with the power to actually rule the world. But with
such a stressful life and lots of botheration and most importantly
unhealthy lifestyles has lead to the decrease in the activity of our
brain functioning. There are many other factors that are also
contributing to the decreased activity of the brain. Age is also an
important factor that leads to the decreased memory. Deficiency of
various vitamins and minerals are also a contributing factor.
In this section of the memory we would provide you with the various
remedies and information with which you can get benefit and improve
your mental skills.
Improve your memory from Memory support A powerful brain stimulant, that helps in revieving the mental ability
in you, that keep on deteriorating with time and also supports your
body and its hormonal activities. The unique herbal formulation
inspired from, the age old science of ayurveda makes it more precious
and esteemed in its approach to make to intelligent and brainy.
How it WorksMemory support initiates mental functioning by modulating the
neurotransmission of the chemicals involved in the nerve impulse
transmission. It restores the activities of the receptors. It helps in
triggering the stimulations in the brain so as to improve mental
concentration, memory skills, retention power and reduces stress. It
also helps in curbing the anxiety levels by decreasing the tribulin and
mono amine oxidase inhibitor. It is also helpful in beholding the
attention variation and behavioral ailments. Memory support also helps
in working as anti Parkinson agent as it enhance the dopamine
activities. The mild sedative and tranquilizing activities of memory
support helps in fits or convulsive disorders and in conditions of
sleeplessness (insomnia). It is also helpful in speech defects and
Each Bottle contain 60 tablets
How to takeIn general it is recommended that 2 capsules of memory support with
milk is beneficiary in the conditions mentioned below.
Uses Memory loss Loss of concentration Language disorders Addictions like alcoholism, narcotics etc Less retention power Behavior disorders Aggressive attitude Anxiety Mental tiredness Mental retardation Epilepsy Parkinson diseases Psychosis Stress Side effects No side effects have been seen if memory support is taken in prescribed
Composition Bacopa monnieri (brahmi) 200 mg Shilajit Acorus calamus (vacha) 200mg Convolvulus pluricalis (shankh pushpin)100 mg Glycerrhiza glabra (mulethi, licorice) 50 mg Tinospora cordiofolia (giloy) 50 mg .
Male health is one of the most important issues of men regarding the
problems like impotence, low sperm count, low libido, prostrate
problem, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, over
In this article we will discus the topics like solving the male health
problems, we will here discuss topics like increase libido, libido
pill, libido enhancers, libido enhancer, libido boosters, libido
enhancements, increase semen, increase semen volume, sperm count,
increase sperm count, increasing sperm count, improve sperm count,
increase sperm, increase sperm production, Over masturbation, Penis
enlargement, penis enlargement oil, penis enlargement product, penis
massage oil.
Male have been known for there power and musculature. They are
physically strong. This is because androgen hormones that makes them
stronger and powerful. But due to some problem of some diseases males
some times have to face some conditions that make them feel low. In
this article we will provide remedies so that you may be able to solve
your problems.
We have Range of best herbal products for men’s health issues like
Penis enlargement, over masturbation, Impotence, Increase semen, Libido
and Prostate. With the world class Ayurvedic herbal products you will
definitely get relived from the various male health problems. It is
really very embarrassing for a man if he fails to show his manliness to
his mate and is unable to satisfier her desires. This also causes
stressful relationships that lead to daily fights and quarrels that
eventually lead to the break off of a relation.
Penis Enlargement Oil (Orgy massage Oil) delivers a powerful
synergistic blend of herbal ingredients purposely designed to benefit
men's penile and sexual health.
Natural and herbal alternative to Viagra with no side effects. It is
directly applied, and offers better penile firmness, an increase in
penile tissue growth, a longer-lasting erection, and a far reduced
occurrence of premature ejaculation. For best results, a few drops once
or twice a daily and before intercourse.
This is the latest scientific expansion in beneficial nutrient
absorption through the skin, so the naturally-derived therapeutic
ingredients, botanical extracts, vitamins and anti-oxidants go straight
into the tissues of the penis - fast, targeted specifically, and
straight away effective.
Is it Viagra?It is not a Viagra, it is a completely herbal oil that once massaged
onto the penis, gives better, stronger erections.
Can I Use it with a Condom?Yes. It is water based and 100% condom compatible.
Is it safe to use for oral sex?Yes, safe for oral sex, as it contains no artificial chemical or
petrochemical by-product, artificial colors or fragrance. The natural
base with the therapeutic component offers the safest, most effective
product available to date.
How do I apply it?Massage all over until an erection is attained. We suggest masturbation
with this product to get you contented with the amount needed and the
sensation it produces.
Will it leave a greasy or oily residue?No, it is technically designed to provide immediate absorption into the
tissue without an oily, sticky or greasy feeling.
What will it feel like when I apply it?You will feel a very warm feeling that is pleasant all over. Your
erection will build and become stronger.
Will this really help with premature ejaculation?Yes, one is most expected to notice the benefit in the areas of
strength, rigidity and also a reduction in the occurrence of premature
Is a prescription required?No. This is a herbal product, and a prescription is not required unlike
other alternatives. Helps men attain full and satisfying sex lives through safe, natural
methods. This helps men to conquer erectile dysfunction, small penis
size and poor-self image.
What are the ingredients of Orgy penis massage oil?Orgy massage oil is completely herbal containing the most basic
Ayurvedic herbs that will make your penile tissue to grow as much as
you desire it to be. It contains Kesar, Heeng, Jundebedastur, Weer
bahuti, Akarkara, Kali mirch, Kasturi, Latakasturi, Chameli ka tail,
Karpass bej tail, Sarson ka tail.
Male libido enhancer
Every male considers male libido or male sexual desire to be a
significant issue in his life. Male sexual desire or vary from one
person to another and in most situations it changes in one individual s
per the circumstances. It is a well established fact that man’s mental
well-being depends unswervingly on his sexual libido. When a man is
having trouble with his sexual libido, he feels depressed and afraid of
denial. A man measures his manliness by his libido.
It is seen that today most of the males are suffering from low male
libido. Low male libido can have diverse reasons, both emotional as
well as physical. Some of the emotional factors that result in low male
libido include depression, lack of self-esteem, or tedium. While the
physical reasons that results in the reduction of male libido include –
physical stress, aging process or senile changes (testosterone levels
reduce at about 2 percent every year after age 30), too much use of
certain drugs, like certain prescription medications and alcohol. Low
male libido can also occur due to chronic illnesses like cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, neurological disease or any problem that influence
blood flow to the penis pr the penile tissue.
Some of the herbs like Latakasthuri (Abelmoschus moschatus),
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Vriddadaru (Argyreia speciosa Syn.
A.nervosa), Kapikachchhu (Mucuna pruriens), Trivang, Shilajit
(Purified), Kumkuma (Crocus sativus), Shudha kupilu (Strychnos nux
vomica) (detoxified), Makardhwaj, Salabmisri (Orchis mascula),
Akarakarabha (Anacyclus pyrethrum), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Shalmali
(Bombax ceiba), Maricha (Piper nigrum) rae know for there wonderful
effects on on our body that can boost up the libido manifold.
Gone are the days that were full of depression that caused you feel
down, Now enhance your libido with the powerful herbal formulation
known as himalaya tentex forte. Himalaya tentex forte will make you
feel like a king and boost your confidence to make you feel like a
Hercule .
Tentex forte is also known for its power to increase libido, Libido
enhancer pill, Libido enhancer and confidence builder, Libido boosters,
Male libido enhancers, increasing male libido, improve male libido, a
blessing for male lack of libido, male libido supplement.
Ingredients of tentex forte Latakasthuri (Abelmoschus moschatus) 10mg Ashvagandha (Withania somnifera) 65mg Vriddadaru (Argyreia speciosa Syn. A.nervosa) 32mg Kapikachchhu (Mucuna pruriens) 32mg Trivang 32mg Shilajeet (Purified) 32mg Kumkuma (Crocus sativus) 25mg Shudha kupilu (Strychnos nux vomica) (detoxified) 16mg Makardhwaj 16mg Salabmisri (Orchis mascula) 16mg Akarakarabha (Anacyclus pyrethrum) 16mg Bala (Sida cordifolia) 16mg Shalmali (Bombax ceiba) 16mg Maricha (Piper nigrum) 5 gm
Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a sexual dysfunction
differentiated by the inability to develop or preserve an erection of
the penis for pleasing sexual intercourse in spite of the ability of
ejaculation. There are a variety of underlying causes, such as diabetes
mellitus, many of which are medically reversible.
The causes may be physiological or may be psychological. Psychological
impotence can often be helped by approximately anything that the
patient believes in; there is a very brawny placebo effect.
Medical symptoms Erectile dysfunction or impotence is characterized by the incapability
to maintain erection. Normal erections during sleep and in the early
morning recommend a psychogenic cause, while loss of these erections
may mean underlying disease, often cardiovascular in origin. Other
things leading to erectile dysfunction or impotence are diabetes
mellitus (causing neuropathy) or hypogonadism (decreased testosterone
levels due to disease distressing the testicles or the pituitary
Medical diagnosis There are no formal tests to diagnose erectile dysfunction or
impotence. Some blood tests are usually done to leave out underlying
disease, such as diabetes mellitus, hypogonadism and prolactinoma.
A useful and simple way to differentiate between physiological and
psychological impotence and erectile dysfunction is to determine
whether the patient ever has an erection. If never, the trouble is
likely to be physiological; if sometimes (however infrequently), it is
more likely to be psychological.
Clinical tests used to diagnose ED Duplex ultrasound
Duplex ultrasound is used to assess blood flow, venous leak, signs of
atherosclerosis, and blemish or calcification of erectile tissue.
Injecting prostaglandin, a hormone-like stimulator formed in the body,
induces erection. Ultrasound is then used to see vascular dilation and
measure penile blood pressure. Measurements are compared to those taken
when the penis is flaccid and not erected.
Penile nerves function
Tests such as the bulbo-cavernosus reaction test are used to decide if
there is enough nerve sensation in the penis. The physician presses the
glans (head) of the penis that right away causes the anus to contract
if nerve function is normal. A physician measures the latency between
squeeze and contraction by viewing the anal sphincter or by feeling it
with a gloved finger put into past the anus. Specific nerve tests are
used in patients with supposed nerve damage as a result of diabetes or
nerve disease.
Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT)
It is normal for a man to have 5 to 6 erections while asleep,
particularly during rapid eye movement (REM). Their nonappearance may
point out a problem with nerve function or blood supply in the penis.
There are 2 methods for measuring changes in penile firmness and
circumference during nocturnal erection:
Snap gauge Strain gauge. Penile bio-thesiometry
This test uses electromagnetic vibration to assess sensitivity and
nerve function in the glans as well as shaft of the penis. A reduced
perception of vibration may point out nerve damage in the pelvic area,
which can lead to impotence or erectile dysfunction.
Due to its uncomfortable nature and the shame felt by patient, the
subject was taboo for a long time, and is the subject of many urban
legends. Herbal remedies have long been used but the dependable herbal
formulation was still missing that could provide the sufferer the most
expected result he ever desired. But recently doctors have discovered a
wonder formulation that is known as male support.
Male support is one of the most powerful impotence killer that will not
only treat your problem of impotence but will also make you strong to
perform more than 1000 stroke at a go.
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is completely herbal formulation that is one of the greatest herbal
gift to manking. Known as the best herbal Viagra, male support has
millions of satisfied men world wide
Ingredients of male support Ashwagandha shilajit
Ashvagandha is especially beneficial in stress related disorders such
as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, and premature aging. It increases
physiological endurance and protects against effects of stress. It is
anti-inflammatory and helps treat pain from conditions such as
arthritis and sciatica. Ashwagandha also helps protect brain cells.
Research has shown that ashwagandha extract helps to reconstruct
networks of the nervous system, making it a potential treatment for
neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.
Benefits of Ashvagandha Ashvagandha provides better physical fitness Ashwagandha relieves stress and hypertension Ashvagandha is a strong rejuvenative Ashvagandha is used for arthritic pain relief Ashvagandha is anti-inflammatory Ashvagandha promotes sound sleep Ashvagandha reduces high cholesterol levels Ashvagandha enhances brain functions Famous as Indian ginseng is a wonderful herb that is very helpful in
total rejuvenation of the body. It helps in strengthening the nervous
system and also is very effective in avoiding the early aging
processing the body. It helps in proper maintenance of the secretion of
all the enzymes in the body thus normalizing the bodies functioning.
A unique herb with anti-stress adaptogenic action that leads to better
physical fitness and helps cope with life's daily stress. It increases
physiological endurance and protects against effects of stress. It is
especially beneficial in stress related disorders such as arthritis,
hypertension, diabetes, and premature aging.
Indications for taking Ashvagandha Ashvagandha helps to treat General debility Hypertension As a daily health supplement to cope with life's daily stress In the prevention and treatment of many stress related diseases like
arteriosclerosis, premature aging, arthritis, diabetes, Insomnia, bone
weakness, hypertension and malignancy etc Impotence Sexual debility Nervine debility Bone weakness Stress Health supplement Decreased energy Constipation Ageing Decreased immunity Muscular weakness Increasing the body stamina Increase vital fluids, blood and semen Physical weakness Insomnia Anxiety and high blood pressure Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb is best known as a health tonic and
restorative gent. It is helpful in condition of general debility,
exhaustion, stress induced fatigue and insomnia. Ashwagandha reduces
anxiety and stress levels, increases vitality and vigor. It improves
both physical and mental performance.
Dosage: 1 or 2 capsules twice daily with meals. Allow several weeks for long
lasting benefits.
Ashvagandha Facts: Botanical Name: : WITHANIA SOMNIFERA
Family Name: : SOLANACEAE
Part Used : Root, Leaves
Ashvagandha is cultivated throughout drier parts of India. It is a
plant in the same family as the tomato. It grows as a stout shrub that
reaches a height of five feet (170 centimeters). Ashwaganda bears
yellow flowers and red fruit which are berrylike in size and shape. It
is Tonic, Abortifacient, Astringent, Deobstruent, Nervine, Aphrodisiac
and Sedative. It is official Indian Pharmacoepeia. It is popularly
known as Indian Ginseng. It gives vitality and vigour and helps in
building greater endurance.It has been used in diseases such as
rheumatism, leprosy and arthritis.
Ashvagandha in Sanskrit means " smelling like a horse ", probably
originating from the odor of its fresh root which resembles that of a
sweaty horse. Ashvagandha is a well known anti-stress herb. The species
name somnifera means "sleep-bearing" in Latin, indicating it was
considered a sedative, but it has been also used for sexual vitality
and as an adaptogen. It is also popularly known as Indian Ginseng.
Active ingredient are withanolides, similar to ginsenosides of Asian
Ashvagandha in Ayurveda: Ayurveda makes mention of Ashvagandha in the teachings of sage
Punarvasu Atreya which goes back to over 4000 years. Ancient Ayurvedic
texts including the Charaka and Sushruta Samhitas praise Ashvagandha as
a tonic especially for emaciation in people of all ages including
babies and enhancing the reproductive function of both men and women.
It has also been used for inflammations especially for arthritic and
rheumatic conditions and as a major tonic to counteract the ravages of
aging and promote youthful longevity. Some of its other traditional
uses have been as a mild purgative for chronic constipation and for the
treatment of swollen glands.
Ashwagandha is ushan virya in potency, has laghu (light) and tickt
(penetrating) properties. Contains tickt, katu and madhur rasa. Due
these combinations of superior properties, ashwagandha acts in numerous
diseases with great results. As it is ushan virya in potency, it acts
as vata suppressant. There fore relieves from all the illness caused by
vata dominance. Also because of its hot potency, it opposes the rise of
kapha therefore it also acts in suppressing increased and unbalanced
kapha dosha. Root is found to contain biochemical like cuseohygrine,
anahygrine, tropine, and anaferine etc. it also contains glycosides,
withenolide with starches and amino acid.
Traditionally, Ashwagandha has been used in many ways--as a sedative, a
diuretic, a rejuvenating tonic, an anti-inflammatory agent, and as an
"adaptogen" (endurance enhancer).Many Western herbalists refer to this
herb as "Ayurvedic ginseng" because of its reputation for increasing
energy, strength, and stamina, and for its ability to relieve stress.
Are you in search of following? Neem extract Neem for acne Neem leaf capsules Neem leaf Neem skin care Neem tablets Organic neem Neem capsules Neem product Neem herb Neem supplement Neem India Acne remedy Eczema cure Skin diseases Natural blood purifier Blood purifiers If yes then you are at the right place:Neem or Azadirachta Indica, popularly known as margosa is a large,
evergreen tree. Neem has been used as a tonic and astringent that
heartens wound healing. Neem or Azadirachta Indica traditionally being
used because of its detoxifying benefits that help protects healthy
circulatory, digestive, respiratory and urinary systems of the body. It
is widely used for external applications in skin related problems. Neem
or Azadirachta Indica extracts have wonderful effects like
anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. Its standard
ingredient is nimbin, nimbinin and nimbidin. All parts of the plant
acquiesce b-sitosterol.
All the parts of the neem tree and active principles and extracts have
a lot of notable pharmacological actions. Neem is bitter. It can be
used as a poultice in case of boils; it works as anti-septic,
demulcent, a tonic in catarrhal affections, stomachic, stimulant. It is
obliging in snake bite, scorpion sting, hypoglycemic, in rheumatism, as
an painkiller, antipyretic, sedative, anti-bacterial, anti-protozoa,
antiviral, anathematic and in skin related problems. The tree stem,
root and bark possess astringent, tonic, and anti-periodic properties.
The bark of neem is beneficial in malarial fever and useful in other
cutaneous diseases.
Neem is one of the most strong blood purifiers and detoxifiers in
Ayurvedic system of medication, Neem is often used to protect healthy
skin. There is plenty of scientific backup for Neem's immune escalation
actions as a booster of the macrophage's efficiency. Scientific
researches indicate that Neem boosts the immune system by bracing
lymphocytes cells to respond to infection and other challenges to the
body's immunity. Clinical studies were conducted on 9 patients of
congestive heart failure (CHF) with anasarca to study the diuretic
effect of sodium nimbidinate. 250 mgrams were given every day by (IM)
injection in the gluteal region. The injections were repeated for 2 to
13 days with a regular of about 5 injections per patient. Four other
patients were also studied as controls on the same lines with complete
bed rest, little sodium diet and sufficient digitalization without any
diuretic. Eight of the patients showed a exact diuretic response. The
control group did not show any diuresis. No toxic reaction was noted
except local discomfort or slight pain. Clinical studies were conducted
on 12 cases of congestive cardiac failure with sodium nimbidinate for
diuretic activity. Heartening diuretic activity was observed with good
response in four cases. There was no notable toxicity.
Benefits of neem Neem is considered best anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and blood purifying
agent and is helpful in skin related problems and keep the skin healthy
and glowing. Neem is helpful as a tonic and astringent that promotes wound healing. Neem has detoxifying recompense that helps keep healthy circulatory,
digestive, respiratory, and urinary systems of the body. Neem extract has anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral actions
that makes it a wonderful herb. It is helpful in treating fever like malarial fever and various
cutaneous diseases. Due to presence of bitter taste it is beneficial in indigestion,
constipation and restoring taste of mouth. Neem helps in fighting with the intestinal worms there by act as a
de-worming agent Neem extract is highly suggested in hyperacidity and epigastric pain. Good results of neem powder have also been seen in gastritis. Neem is widely and comprehensively used as powerful blood purifier. It gives excellent results in conditions like diabetes incipidus and
diabetes mellitus due to occurrence of bitter taste. It is very supportive in curing urinary tract infection (UTI) It kindles liver for proper functioning consequently helps in
maintaining proper secretions of liver Neem acts on all kinds of skin related problems and provides good
relief. Since ancient times neem leaves have been used as an agent that helps
in increasing vision as it helps in repressing kapha dosha disorders
thus liberating congestion on eyeballs caused due to mucus accretion in
sinuses. Coughing is calmed by use of neem water It helps in reducing surplus urination It has given excellent results in diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis.


Anonymous said...

Some very familiar male sexual difficulties involve getting or keeping an erection, ejaculating too rapidly, or difficulty reaching orgasm. What is hard enough, fast enough, and time enough is best decided by the people involved, rather than by a clock or some arbitrary standard. Do consider the below mentioned vital points before taking any decision.

Unknown said...

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Matina said...

I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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